Monday, March 9, 2009

Sharp Cash Drawer Inserts

I have a good source for Sharp Cash Register Cash Drawer Inserts. They offer all the cash drawer inserts or tills as some people call them for the commercial grade line up of Sharp Cash Registers as well as a few XE models. They can be found at Sharp Cash Register Cash Drawer Inserts and you might try Sharp USA as well.


Unknown said...

I have a sharp er420 and the drawer won't open when we ring in a sale. We are using the emergency latch underneath in the meantime. A reading of dept. .01 shows across the screen. Any ideas?

Dave said...

There are several dozen things it could be. In programming you could have turned the drawer off. You may have under tendered the amount. Don't think it would display Dept. 01 across the display if the sale was completed. Sorry but we would need some more info.