Thursday, November 5, 2015

Converting the Data in your Sharp cash register to a new register

So this may come as new to you but Sharp has exited the cash register business. They no longer make any cash registers. If you see them for sale it is because someone has excess stock. 

So what can you do if you have an older Sharp that you have been programming with UPC numbers for years? Well we have a couple options depending on the make and model of the Sharp cash register you have and your computer skills. We may be able to import the Sharp cash register data to a new SAM4s register.

If you are looking for a new register system give us a call and see what we might be able to do. 800-863-2274

1 comment:

Dave d said...

I have a sharp xe-a407 register. I cannot get 1 button to be no tax at all. It’s either all buttons are 7.35 % taxed or I get all no tax . Please help