Friday, December 27, 2013

Using a cash register in your business

Don't use your cash register as just a money box. If used correctly a cash register can improve your bottom line by quite a bit while saving you time.

When I go shopping if there is a long line at the cashier and I don't need the item that second I leave and I would avoid that store in the future. Don't let this happen to you, speed up your lines! How you may ask? Well number one is a bar code scanner if you are a retail store, or a large keyboard if food service. Both of these items speed up lines and improve accuracy. Do you want your cashier to enter prices and make all those mistakes and double or triple the time it takes to check out? If you don't think it is important then time it yourself, audit a couple hours of sales to see how accurate your cashiers were.

Integrate your cash register with credit card payments directly! Don't make your cashiers ring up the sale, go to another machine and enter the amount, wait for the processing, go back to the register and finalize the sale. Holy cow you have now made the process so much longer then it needed to be and opened yourself up to massive errors! Don't believe me then audit your cash register and the credit card machine. How many sales for $19.99 were entered into the credit card machine at $0.99 or $9.99 or $0.09 Our customers that have taken our challenge and audited have all integrated the payments and never looked back! When you interface a cash register with payments directly you force accuracy, your ensure the item is registered, you know the sale was settled correctly and you saved massive amounts of time! Both Sharp and SAM4s make cash registers that interface with the Datacap twin Tran. After the interface is done you will have a cash register that accepts credit cards directly saving time and forcing accuracy.

There are many more ways to use a register more efficiently and if you would like to discuss how we can help you with a commercial grade quality cash register call us at 1-800-863-2274 and we would be happy to consult with you.


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