Friday, November 1, 2013

Sharp ER-A410 registers are back in stock at least for a little while.

Sharp ER-A410
Sharp ER-A410

We have a few Sharp ER-A410 cash registers in stock after a long wait. If you need one better get them now because they will be gone again very soon. This is a very sought after cash register and Sharp has had low inventory for the last 4 or 5 months. We only have a few in stock after getting a large order in last week.

We can also offer programming and support for not only the ER-A410 but any of the commercial grade models. We do not offer support for models that begin with XE.

We have keyboard covers and templates for the ER-A410 and the ER-420, which is the flat keyboard version of the ER-A410

Give us a call 1-800-863-2274

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