Friday, October 25, 2013

Keyboard covers for Sharp cash registers will keep your machine running and easy to use

cash register keyboard cover

Cash register keyboard cover

Flat keyboard cash registers need to have the overlay (keyboard cover) replaced from time to time. There is no definitive time frame as it all depends on use and environment. If your place is busy and you cook items near the register or allow smoking in your establishment chance are you will need to replace your keyboard cover more often. Having said that I do think once a year is about average for most machines.

Keyboard covers are made for flat restaurant style registers as well as registers designed for retail with raised keys. Of course in food service your machine is facing more dangers but don't forget in the retail world dangers lurk too!

Most keyboard covers no longer cover the key or the credit card reader. There are a few older models that the key area is covered however the key hole is still vulnerable.

Over the years we have seen $20.00 keyboard covers save a machine from spills of everything possible! You can never be too safe and the cost of doing business without a register is far greater then the cost of a cover.

Here are a few places that offer keyboard covers

Need help finding one not listed then call us at 1-800-863-2274

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cash Registers can now have a wireless kitchen printer

wireless kitchen printer adapter
Bluetooth Kitchen Printer Adapter
You can install a kitchen printer on a SAM4s or Sharp cash register without running cables! Use the LM048 Bluetooth Adapter to your cash register and a standard serial kitchen printer.
Eliminate cables and the labor cost to install them. Use the LM048 Adapter anywhere you would ordinarily run a serial (RS-232C) cable. In many applications equipment is located in environments that would normally require a cable run under a floor, or above a ceiling. The expense of an electrician or qualified cable installer may be significantly more than the cost of this simple, reliable wireless device.
  • Run Remote Printers and Other RS-232C Devices Without Wiring
  • Compact, Affordable, and Easy-to-Install
  • Uses Reliable Bluetooth Wireless Technology
  • Range of up to 328 Feet (100m) Without Obstructions
  • The Only Wireless Adaptor That Supports “Out of Paper / Cover Open” Printer Status to the ECR
  • The Smallest RS-232C Bluetooth Adaptor Available
  • Pre-Configured for Easy Setup

  • You can call 1-800-863-2274 to order.

    Tuesday, October 22, 2013

    iPad POS system instead of a cash register?

    iPad POS system
    NCR Silver running on an iPad

    Do you want to use your iPad or iPhone for your POS wherever you are at? If so the NCR Silver system is for you. A complete POS system with built in e-mail marketing to your clients Silver also runs on the iPad, iPhone and iPod.

    Cloud based so you can log into the back office reporting and perform office functions anywhere you have access to the internet.

    Silver is a subscription based product. All the POS and marketing functionality only $79.00 per month with no long term contracts. Silver interfaces directly with credit card payments and gift card.

    Contact us at 1-800-863-2274 and we will help you get set up and running.

    Tuesday, October 15, 2013

    NCR Silver POS for the iPad is for real!

    NCR Silver POS software for the iPad
    While many sale the hand held device will replace cash registers I don't believe it, however they have a place in the industry. NCR Silver is a cloud based POS system that operates on the iPad, iPhone or iPod and is a subscription based program. The NCR Silver bundle is $499.00 which includes a cash drawer, iPad stand, receipt printer and magnetic card reader. The software is $79.00 per month for the first terminal and includes 24/7 support. People have been asking for this for a very long time now.

    We can tell you all about it just call us at 1-800-863-2274 and we can tell you all about the iPad POS software

    Tuesday, October 8, 2013

    Sharp ER-A410 cash registers coming back in to stock

    Sharp ER-A410 cash register

    Sharp ER-A410 cash register

    Sharp cash registers have been in short supply in the last few months but that should be taken care of soon. They have started coming into the country after a long summer of short supply. One model in particular that will soon be back to full stock is the Sharp ER-A410 cash register. This popular model will soon be in stock everywhere.

    Need help selecting a model just let us know by calling 1-800-863-2274

    Wednesday, October 2, 2013

    Sharp cash register support

    There is a website that offers some free support tips and many free Sharp cash register manuals you can download. Check it out when you are looking for free cash register help. If you need support and don't want to figure it out on your own we offer support for a fee and you can call 1-800-863-2274 to check rates and availability. If you bought your register from us we will try and give you support for free (just depends what you are looking for)