So you are investing a great deal of money opening your new business, maybe you are going into debt to open your dream store or restaurant. You are making sure you sell great products, have a great staff, your signage looks great because you spared no expense!
Well then don't wait for the last minute and buy a cheap cash register of POS system like so many people do. All of the return on your investment is going to come through your cash register or POS system. The cashiers will be handling all of that money before you get it back! The cashiers will tell the customers what they owe for their purchases. Do you want to risk that to a cheap cash register or POS system that lacks the proper controls? Would you use a bank that store your money in a cigar box and had lax security and record keeping? Of course you would not.
Lets talk about cashiers first. Yes most of your employees will be great honest folks that work hard! I know you don't want to hear this but I'm going to tell you anyway. You are going to hire someone soon if you have not already that is going to steal as much as they can from you while smiling and looking like a great employee! Yes I already know you are going to say not my employees they are like family! I have heard it all before and unfortunately every time I think I have seen it all before a client will come to us for help finding out where their money is going! I have had clients tell me there is no way an employee would do that as I show them in black and white how their employees are stealing from them and they don't believe me. I have seen many of those same people close up shop because they are not making enough money to keep the doors open.
So before you buy that $129.00 cash register at the big box store keep this in mind. Look at the list below for some important things to look for in a cash register
- You want a cash register that interfaces to credit card payments.
- If you are a retail store consider bar code scanning to ensure the correct price is registered for the item being sold.
- Make certain your cash register is capable of 4 sales tax rates.
- Make sure you can get support for your cash register over time. Sales tax rates change all the time! You don't want to find out at the end of the year you under collected sales tax on a million dollars in sales do you?
- Understand your sales reports and the built in security features.
Did you know the cash register was invented by a bar owner that knew his bartenders were stealing from him! The only thing that has changed is the technology! Need help call us at 1-800-863-2274