Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Software for Sharp cash registers

Many people call and ask us about software for cash registers which we do have. Not every cash register works with software but most do. we have a software package we like and it is PC Poll Cash Register Software and it works for both SAM4s cash registers and Sharp.

The software is known as polling software which means it "Polls the cash register" and retrieves the sales data. The software also in most cases allow you to do all of your programming from the PC as well.

PC poll can be connected directly to the cash register, or via the Internet. PC Poll will work for up to 99 stores/registers.

Make sure your cash register has enough serial ports to connect to a computer especially if you have other options connected like credit card interface or bar code scanning.

Feel free to give us a call for more information or if you already own PC Poll and require support we can help you there too. 1-800-863-2274

1 comment:

poss said...

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